Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My seat beats my...backside

Having the right seat is essential.

A few years back, the pros used a leather seating arrangement, they had to go through a major break-in period, where the seat would eventually conform to a persons...anatomy. This break-in period was not exactly a pleasant experience.

Things have come a long way in the seating industry, but there are some main variations that seem to be worth the money to obtain. A "seat" a "saddle", if your trendy you ride a saddle, ok. I just like my bum to be bearable in order to make it through work the next day.

When you sit in the "saddle", you put most of the weight on your ischial tuberosities; those are the bones that connect with the padding. Thin seats, like the Road or Racing saddle give the best ride, however, you can choose a good cutaway saddle if you need to protect the goods.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fixing A Flat...

We all dread the occasional flat tire, but sometimes it's inevitable - flat happens...How you handle it can make the rest of your ride so much better. The video below has some really good tips on changing a flat.

I would recommend always carrying a presta spare, and make sure you keep your tire levers (2 pieces of hard plastic) handy as well, because it's very difficult to change the tire without them, and they reduce damage to the tube. Also, the money spent on an instant CO2 air pump is well spent, try Amazon. BRING a rag with you...carbon grease is terrible to get off of things-fingers included.

Oh, one more thing-go easy on the Presta Valve stem, the metal can cut the rubber. Keep the screw on nut in a good place, it can get lost very easy. Good luck!

So, here's the checklist:

  • Spare Presta valve tire that fits
  • Plastic tire levers
  • CO2 air pump
  • RAG
  • Practice-you will thank yourself-and look like a pro instead of a newbie on the trail
One other thing: practice this technique.

You may want to subscribe to Mach3Multisport's Youtube channel, lot's of good tips there.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Hi, and welcome to my blog on Road Biking. Road Biking is exciting and challenging, it allows a person to enjoy the outdoors, to get the thrill of speed and to get exercise at the same time.

There are many Road Biking enthusiasts, and this number is constantly growing. The freedom and exhilaration, coupled with the ease on the joints, makes Road Biking a good choice for many. The ability to look at your own city from a totally different perspective is another draw to this sport.

It doesn't take a great deal of money to join in the fun, but you can spend it if you feel so inclined. I personally use an older Bianchi Eros and Botecchia that I have re-conditioned with modern parts. They both ride out well, but the Botecchia is very fast.

Newer Bikes have conveniences, like gear shifting from the handle bars, instead of from the support bar, the gearing and brakes are advanced, and you would certainly love to see the colors of the new bikes. In some ways, many Road Biking enthusiasts look like parading peacocks, but this colorful display is part of the draw that makes the sport a passionate way to express yourself. To do the same with a Porsche or Corvette would cost a considerable amount more, but you can expect to spend between $300 to $15,000 to enter into the click.

If you wish to go in for the best price, then check craigslist for bicycles. Make sure to look for a bike that has the presta tires, which are very thin, not to be confused with the thicker, schwinn-style bicycles that were popular 30 years ago. You may be able to pick up a fantastic bike if you check around the cities and states.

Good luck!

*photo courtesy of